Presentation by Dr. Eckehard Tröster from Energynautics at
3DMicroGrid meeting in Seville
From 8th to 10th of November the third 3DMicroGrid meeting with participants from all project partners took place in Seville. In this meeting, the current state of the single work packages of the project was presented and further steps were discussed. Especially in the development of the controllers, large progress was achieved. The next step is to test the proposed controller structure in realistic simulation models and to evaluate its behavior. In these simulations, real measurement data of the loads and generators of the project site in Malta will be considered. For the evaluation, key performance indicators (KPIs) are elaborated by Energynautics together with the other project partners. Further simulations and their evaluation will provide a basis for the long-term goal of the project, which is the physical implementation of the micro-grid.
Besides these project specific discussions, interesting presentations on experiences in implementing micro-grid solutions in the real world were given. Here, Energynautics CEO Dr. Eckehard Tröster contributed with a presentation on “Lessons learnt from a real-world operating Microgrid: The Cell Controller Pilot Project”. In this project, a microgrid operation including transition to islanded operation with only wind generation, a synchronous condenser and secondary load control was successfully demonstrated. Dr. Tröster showed, that modelling and simulation are essential tools, when developing a micro-grid.
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