Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week goes virtual!

Keynote & Closing Sessions of the 10th Solar & Storage and 19th Wind Integration Workshops as well as 4th E-Mobility Integration Symposium FREE OF CHARGE!

Participants may join this year’s virtual Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week including the 4th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium as well as the 10th Solar & Storage and 19th Wind Integration Workshops LIVE and ON-DEMAND. The registration is open and major discounts are available!

The conferences offer great insight in the current status of grid integration of renewable energies.

To get an impression of the varied contents, have a look at the agendas of the events:

4th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium: 3 Nov 2020

10th Solar & Storage Integration Workshop:                   5 Nov 2020

19th Wind Integration Workshop:                                     11 – 12 Nov 2020


NEW in 2020: Attend this year’s virtual E-Mobility Integration Symposium as well as the Solar and Wind Keynotes & Closing Sessions FREE OF CHARGE!

Introductory Tutorials

In addition to our traditional Workshops, we also offer two introductory tutorials this year. In our tutorials, participants have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge regarding crucial renewables topics in an intimate setting. In intense presentations by specially invited experts you gain not only detailed knowledge but also a unique hands-on-experience.

E-Mobility Tutorial on 2 Nov 2020: Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles – Status & Experiences

The aim is to provide the participants with the necessary understanding on all relevant grid integration aspects related to electro mobility. A large focus will be on the practical use of smart charging and vehicle to grid to ensure safe grid operation, even when integrating renewable energy. Find more information on our tutorial website.

Wind Tutorial on 10 Nov 2020: Ancillary Services: Their role in enabling systems with large shares Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) and how VRE can participate in them

The aim is to provide the participants with the necessary technical and regulatory understanding on the following two aspects:

  1. Role of ancillary services towards enabling systems with Variable Renewable Energy (VRE):
  2. Participation of VRE in the provision of ancillary services: Technology and infrastructure needs to enable VRE participation on the ancillary services.

Examples on international best practices on the above mention topics will also be provided within the tutorial. Find more information on our tutorial website.