Explore Booth 135A for Proven Consulting Services in Renewable Energy Grid Integration and Power System Optimization

Energynautics Showcases their Global Power System Expertise at CIGRE 2024 Technical Exhibition

Energynautics is presenting its extensive expertise in power systems consultancy at the CIGRE 2024 Technical Exhibition. Specializing in global consulting for network operators, regulators, manufacturers, and investors, Energynautics focuses on advancing the integration of renewable energy and electric vehicles as well as evaluating flexibility options such as battery energy storage systems (BESS), and electrolyzers.

Explore Booth 135A to engage with Energynautics’ team of multi-language consultants, renowned for their strong research backgrounds and practical experience. Discover comprehensive services including technical design, modeling, simulation, and analysis of power systems. Energynautics utilizes a mix of open-source tools such as PyPSA and commercial software including PSS/E, DIgSILENT PowerFactory, PLEXOS, Homer, PSCAD, OptGen/SDDP and Matlab to deliver tailored solutions.

At CIGRE 2024, Energynautics highlights its capabilities in grid studies, distributed generation integration, power system optimization, , grid code compliance, smart grids, smart metering, and more.

Visit our booth to learn about recent projects and discuss how our innovative approaches can benefit your organization. Test your skills with our grid simulation game to explore grid connection capacities across Europe!

Find more information about Energynautics’ services on our website.