Paper on the impact
of e-mobility and heat pumps
During the 3rd E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium Leonard Hülsmann presented the results from a study on the impact of e-mobility and heat pumps.
The study looked at a large distribution grid supplying around 10,000 customers and included a detailed power system model built up from the Geographic Information System (GIS) of the local distribution system operator EWR Netz GmbH. Applying an automated import of the GIS data into PowerFactory and utilizing maximum coincidence factors – methods that DSOs are already familiar with today – the impact on the different voltage levels and assets was calculated. By relying on straightforward tools, this method can empower DSOs themselves to analyze the readiness level of their distribution grids with regard to electric vehicles and heat pump growth.
The presentation and the paper are available for download here:
Presentation & Paper
Find out more about Energynautics’ Grid Studies.