Distribution System Study Rhineland-Palatinate
The state government of Rheinland-Pfalz aims to meet the state’s electricity demand completely by renewables by 2030, mainly using PV and wind power connected to the distribution system. Energynautics, together with the Oeko-Institut and Bird & Bird, studied the impact of the 100% renewable energy strategy on the power system, the potential of demand side management (DSM) and storage in Rhineland-Palatinate as well as the legal framework. The simulations done by Energynautics covered the distribution grid of Rhineland-Palatinate in conjunction with the European transmission system. The outcomes of the study were recommendations regarding network planning and generation structure for Rhineland-Palatinate. The study includes analysis of the potential benefits of extending the transmission grid, integrating storage into the network, DSM and smart grids.
English Summary of the Distribution System Study / PDF Download