Power Quality Measurement Campaign at Al Zaatari PV Power Plant
A large PV power plant was built to ensure the electricity supply for the Al Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan. The 12,9 MWp PV plant was commissioned in autumn 2017. Due to the limited budget for electricity, power supply was only available to the refugees between 7,5 and 8 hours per day. The duration of available electricity could recently be increased to 14 hours with the PV plant applying a “net-metering“ scheme, in which the prosumer only pays the difference between consumed and generated energy.
The three stakeholders – MEMR (Ministry), IDECO (Grid Operator) and UNHCR (consumer) – are interested in good power quality. Therefore, Energynautics conducted a measurement campaign at several points in the local grid in order to determine the influence of the PV plant on power quality. The project was funded by KfW and executed on behalf of GOPA-intec.
The power quality (voltage magnitude, harmonics, voltage dips and swells, flicker, transients, unbalance, etc.) and the electricity consumption/production directly at the PV power plant, as well as at several points inside the distribution grid of the refugee camp, were measured and evaluated. The most important results can be found here.
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Further measurement devices installed in Jordan (September 2018)
Power Quality measurement campaign in Jordan completed (August 2019)
The installed Power Quality Analyzer by Energynautics