Reactive Power Market Design for Great Britain
Together with project partner AFRY, Energynautics has developed a reactive power market design for the GB transmission system, including a proof-of-concept implementation of the technical methodology.
Exploring potential solutions to reform the reactive power services will help NGESO address the challenges they are facing for system voltage control. This project has been exploring an appropriate market solution to resolve the challenges for reactive power, ensuring cost efficient provision to maintain system voltage security in the context of a zero-carbon system. The new approach aims to enable more participants across technologies and connection types.
The market and product design has been developed by AFRY in close collaboration with NGESO and using feedback from industry. Energynautics contributed the development of a unified and reliable way to define the need for reactive power across the transmission system, including a solution of how the effectiveness of reactive power providers in meeting the needs can be determined.
More information can be found here: