Energynautics highlighted the role of infrastructure for renewable energy growth, energy efficiency, e-mobility, storage and LNG.
Report published for research study on sustainable energy transition and energy infrastructure development opportunities
On behalf of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Project / EU – Viet Nam Energy Facility in Vietnam, a consortium was providing theoretical and practical input for in-country strategy discussion on sustainable energy infrastructure development in Vietnam with a focus on future energy sector development.
This report has now been published and it highlights important policy aspects for the Resolution No 55 “Vietnam’s National Energy Development Strategy to 2030, vision to 2045” on possible pathways towards full decarbonization. The aim was to formulate short- and long-term policy recommendations for clean energy procurement and long-term carbon phase-out policies.
From 2020-2021, 9730 MWp of rooftop solar PV systems were installed in Vietnam, reaching 11 % of the total installed power generation capacity. Yet, the infrastructure expansion could not keep up with the PV boom. Therefore the assessments of the report are currently especially relevant.
For the study, Energynautics was investigating the impact of the energy transition on the current infrastructure as well as future needs. The analysis extended towards all voltage levels, from distribution to transmission, and covered the intricated challenges with regard to facilitating renewable energy growth, the uptake of electric mobility, and demand growth from air conditioning. Medium- and long-term storage solutions were highlighted for their potential to provide cost-effective energy during unavailability of VRE generation. Special consideration has been given to liquified natural gas (LNG) and the potential risk of creating stranded assets.
Additionally, Energynautics provided input on the role of energy efficiency in deep decarbonization scenarios and key insights into grid integration policies and low-carbon transport policies, such as electric vehicles and charging infrastructure procurements. These were linked to the infrastructure assessment.