Study on the integration of roof-mounted PV in India successfully completed
Under India’s current target of 100 GW installed PV power by 2022, 40 GW have to be connected to the distribution systems, resulting in the necessity for all power system stakeholders to get involved in the development.
The study, which has been completed in September 2017, comprised an analysis of the technical (grid code), legal and regulatory frameworks in India as well as more detailed technical studies. Based on data kindly provided by distribution companies BRPL (Delhi) and MPMKVVCL (Bhopal), four medium voltage grids in urban and rural environments were modelled and analyzed for their hosting capacity for distributed PV. As a capacity building measure, the study will serve as a blueprint for other distribution companies seeking to integrate PV and conduct the necessary studies themselves.
Further project information and presentations:
ComSolar website
Reports and papers for download:
ComSolar website
Direct Download:
GIZ final report