Energynautics CEO discusses specifications with stakeholders during a visit to Ghana
Smart Net Meters in Ghana
Energynautics is working as a backstopper with Skat Consulting to support the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) in the Ghana Solar Photovoltaic based Net-Metering (NMPV) Project. The NMPV project targets reaching 62.5 MW of new PV installed capacity – 12,000 rooftop PV installations coupled with 12,000 smart net meters – until the end of 2025 in the power distribution grids of Ghana.
Energynautics was assigned to prepare the specifications for the smart net meters. During a visit to Ghana in February 2023, Energynautics’ CEO Eckehard Tröster discussed the draft specifications with stakeholders, including representatives from the distribution utilities Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCo) and Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), as well as the Energy Commission (EC) and PV developers. The main goal of the visit was to collect feedback and reach a common agreement on the specifications with the distribution utilities. This was successfully achieved and the project team’s next steps are to finalize the specifications.
The trip to Ghana also included visits to different sites with existing net meters in both NEDCo and ECG’s areas, a visit to the IT department of NEDCo to discuss the server setup for metering and monitoring, and a visit to the PV monitoring system of the EC.
During the stay in Ghana, Eckehard Tröster also attended the NMPV Governance Council Meeting and presented the draft smart net meter specifications as well as the reassessed feasibility studies (carried out by SKAT in a prior project) to determine the required subsidies for different NMPV system sizes.
Visit to a Government Building in Accra and its net meter. Visitors from left to right: Stephen Kanor-Kudaya (Skat Consulting), Osborne Amoh (ECG), Eckehard Tröster (Energynautics), and Edward Ochire (ECG).
Presentation of Dr. Tröster at the NMPV Governance Council Meeting.