The 5th Hybrid Power Systems Workshop took Place from 18 – 19 May 2021 online.
Successful First Virtual Hybrid Power Systems Workshop!
At the 5th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop from 18 – 19 May 2021, more than 100 online participants seized the opportunity to learn more about challenges and solutions of integrating high shares of renewables into hybrid power systems, micro-grids and island power systems. The event offered a wide variety of topics from storage to hybrid power plants and ancillary service aspects. A special focus of the workshop was on international case studies and lessons learned.

In addition to the conference sessions, the tutorial “Introduction to Hybrid Power Systems and Case Studies” was also quite well received. During this tutorial, Dr. Thomas Ackermann, Peter-Philipp Schierhorn (both Energynautics GmbH), Johannes Weide (SMA Sunbelt Energy GmbH) und Nicholas W Miller (HickoryLedge) and gave a comprehensive introduction into Hybrid Power Systems including technical background and various case studies from around the world. These Capacity Building webinars are part of Energynautics’ regular services.
Next year’s 6th Hybrid Power Systems Workshop is scheduled for 26-27 April 2022 in Madeira, Portugal. The Call for Abstracts will start in August 2021. Check the workshop website for regular updates.