Assessing Electrification Potential: Exploring Renewable Energy Opportunities in Rwanda’s Transport Sector

Transition to Green Transport: The Case of Rwanda

Rwanda, a land locked African state, faces costly transportation routes for fossil fuels but boasts great renewable energy potential. Consequently, there is a keen interest in exploring opportunities for electrifying transportation.

Under a World Bank funded project, Energynautics is currently evaluating the grid hosting capacity of Kigali, Rwanda’s capital, until 2050 through extensive simulations. Economic evaluations will be conducted by Economic Consulting Associates (ECA) to formulate recommendations for a potential transport electrification strategy.

All relevant ministries and local stakeholders were already invited to a successful project kickoff to increase the sense of ownership of the investigation. A data request sheet was generated in collaboration with ECA for onsite data collection scheduled for the end of March.
Energynautics is now generating a feasible distribution grid model for further investigation.

We are excited to contribute to Rwanda’s energy transition and eagerly anticipate the project outcomes. Stay tuned for updates!