Estudio de la Asociación Alemana de Fabricantes de Maquinaria y Plantas (VDMA) sobre el comportamiento de los motores de combustión interna en caso de fallos en la red
The German Medium Voltage Grid Code requires grid-connected gensets driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE) to provide dynamic grid support since 2013. This requirement implies capability of those gensets to ride through a short circuit fault in the grid and inject reactive current in order to support grid voltage. In the first phase of the project a simulation study was carried out for five RICE-driven gensets of rating from 200 kW up to 7 MW with the goal to gain understanding of challenges imposed by the Grid Code requirement. Various viable technical solutions were investigated which can improve stability of the gensets when riding through a fault in the system. In the second phase a general model was developed that can be used by all parties for Fault-Ride-Through simulations of RICE gensets. Within this phase the developed model was validated in close collaboration with manufacturers by means of specifically developed measurement methods on real units. Throughout the complete project consulting assistance was provided in approaching the grid operators and certification bodies.