Multi-client study on efficient redispatch for distribution system operators

German Grid Expansion Acceleration Act: Consequences for future operational processes

NABEG 2.0 – the amendment of the German Grid Expansion Acceleration Act that came into operation in 2019 – includes new guidelines for management of grid bottlenecks that system operators must implement until October 2021.

It presents operators with new challenges regarding coordination of redispatch of renewable energy plants and combined heat and power units from 100 kW as well as remote controlled RE plants smaller than 100 kW.

That makes the NABEG 2.0 guidelines relevant for all distribution system operators in Germany.

Until now, important internal processes are not yet specified, e.g. when it comes to examining redispatch requests regarding conformity with internal limits of operational resources and simultaneously processing the required data.

The consulting company Energynautics in conjunction with distribution system operator EWR Netz GmbH has initiated a multi-client study to develop solutions for these kind of processes. Read more about the study and our call for participation (German).