Distribution Grid Code for Armenia
The World Bank has commissioned Energynautics to develop a distribution grid code for Armenia. It regulates the technical requirements for distributed generators to connect to the utility grid and supplements the already existing transmission grid code.
Around 32 % of the Armenian electricity mix, which has a peak load of around 1500 MW, is covered by hydro power while the deployment of variable renewable energy (VRE) plants is still very limited so far. However, some utility-scale solar PV plants are in the pipeline and feed-in tariffs for small PV installations were introduced in 2016.
For the expected VRE growth Energynautics has been tasked to draft a grid code for the distribution grid, which covers amongst others connection requirements, quality of supply, and metering and operation of distributed generation. In this context, also the grid connection requirements for a 50 MW solar PV plant are defined.