23 – 27 October 2017 in Berlin/Germany
Successful Grid Integration Week
537 participants from power system operators, transmission and distribution grid operators, wind turbine, solar inverter and charging station manufacturer, universities and research institutes, and consulting companies have recently convened for the Berlin Workshop Week. The experts on renewable grid integration solutions reviewed and discussed recent advances in technology and exchanged ideas on how to jointly tackle the challenges of the coming years.
With a total of 8 E-Mobility, 14 Solar and 25 Wind sessions the spectrum of topics included in the Berlin Workshop Week ranged from grid integration studies and experiences to grid codes, modelling, and questions of forecasting.
The first edition of the E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium with its 125 participants from 23 countries exceeded all expectations. The participants of the E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium made good use of this unique opportunity to examine the challenges that arise with increased power demand due to electric vehicle charging. In intense sessions they also discussed how these challenges can be met by coordinating with renewable power production in the electrical system.
The 151 participants from 30 countries of the 7th Solar Integration Workshop discussed economic questions regarding grid integration and electricity markets regulation as well as smart grid concepts during the Workshop sessions. One special focus of the Solar Integration Workshop will be storage integration.
With 261 participants from 31 countries, the 16th Wind Integration Workshop again proved its status as one of the premier conferences when it comes to grid integration of wind power into power systems. The Wind Integration Workshop covered all aspects relevant to large-scale integration of wind power into power systems and also offered a well-received Wind Tutorial on Ancillary Services and Wind Power Plants.
Participants not only valued the diverse range of topics during the Berlin Workshop Week, but also the highly qualified speakers from renowned organizations like ENTSO-E, NREL, EPRI, IRENA, IEA, and many more. The comprehensive Workshop experience was complemented by several networking opportunities that were very well received and widely used. Each of the three conferences offered poster receptions that offered a platform for poster presenters to showcase their findings and discuss them with participants in a casual get-together. Another highlight was the Solar & Wind Dinner on Wednesday at the impressive location “Wasserwerk”, a former water works facility.
Grid Integration Week 2018
The newly established format of three conferences in one Grid Integration Week was so well received that the Organizer, Energynautics GmbH/Darmstadt, Germany, already announced its continuation. From 15 – 19 October 2018, the Grid Integration Week featuring the 2nd E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium as well as the 8th Solar and 17th Wind Integration Workshops will take place in Stockholm, Sweden. Thus, the Workshops will take place at the location of the very first Wind Integration Workshop in 2000 – KTH University.
Have a look at the Call for Papers 2018 and seize this unique opportunity to present your up-to-date research or technical developments to a large international audience in the field of RE grid integration.
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