Abstracts can be submitted until 15 December
Call for Papers for 7th Hybrid Power Systems Workshop on Faroe Islands has started
The 7th Hybrid Power Systems Workshop will take place at the Hilton Garden Inn Faroe Islands from 23 – 24 May 2023. The Call for Papers has started and abstracts can be submitted until 15 December 2022. The abstracts will be thoroughly reviewed by the International Advisory Committee – composed of highly qualified international experts.
During the Workshop, international experts will discuss the challenges of Hybrid Power Plants, Hybrid Power Systems, Micro-Grids, Isolated/Islanded Power Systems and inspiring ideas for the way that lies ahead.
All information on how to become a speaker in 2023 as well as deadlines for Call for Papers are accessible on the Workshop website.
Faroe set to reach a 100% renewables in 2030
A major factor of this year’s Hybrid Power System Integration Workshop will be the power system of the 2023 host, the Faroe Islands. In 2014, power company SEV announced the vision to reach a 100% renewable energy production by 2030, and SEV has been working towards this goal ever since. In 2021, the electricity generation was 40% renewable, but with expansions in wind power in 2022, the share of renewable energy is expected to increase, and reach more than 50% in 2023.
A tangible RoadMap for the expansions in generation, storage and transmission has been obtained and the future system stability has been studied throughout a PhD study. This RoadMap contains the expansions in wind power, transmission capacity, pumped storage, battery systems and photovoltaic power. The roadmap, which is based on local renewable resources and best available technologies and various restriction, like linear reduction in CO2 emission toward 2030, will be updated once a year.