Events to take place on-site in Berlin and virtually.
Agenda Update Available & Registration to Close on 22 September for the RE Grid Integration Week
The Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week in Berlin with its three separate high-quality conferences is getting closer. An agenda update has been released and registration is available until 22 September via the event websites:
5th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium on 27 Sept 2021
11th Solar & Storage Integration Workshop on 28 Sept 2021
20th Wind Integration Workshop from 29 – 30 Sept 2021
Participants have the chance to watch their favorite sessions live on-site and enjoy the sessions of the parallel tracks later via video-on-demand as all tickets – on-site and virtual – include watching the recordings of all sessions of the booked event for four weeks! For those, who cannot travel to Berlin at the time, the organizer offers the option to virtually attend the conference sessions.
Focus on Grid Forming
During the last two RE Grid Integration Weeks – with several well-filled sessions and many insightful discussions – Grid Forming was one of the most sought after topics. That is why Grid Forming will again be prominently featured in both the Solar & Storage and Wind Integration Workshops. More than 15 exciting presentations will be held in the four dedicated sessions of this year’s Workshops.
With a total of more than 80 presentations in 20 wind sessions and more than 30 presentations in 8 solar sessions, the 11th Solar & Storage Integration and the 20th Wind Integration Workshops offer a broad spectrum of topics from power system aspects, sector coupling and forecasting to hybrid power systems and micro-grids.
The 5th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium on the other hand focuses on Charging Infrastructure and features sessions on Grid and Regulatory Aspects, Vehicle-to-Grid and Modelling Aspects.
Have a look at the agendas of the three conferences of the Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week!
Accompanying Events
Besides the regular sessions, participants also get the opportunity to attend exciting accompanying events like the Wind Dinner on 29 Sept 2021. Furthermore, educational tutorials are also offered – they are designed to impart knowledge at an introductory to intermediate level.
In these tutorials, participants have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge regarding crucial renewables topics in an intimate setting. In intense presentations by specially invited experts they gain not only detailed knowledge but also a unique hands-on-experience.
Tutorial: Lessons Learned from Grid Integration of VRE on 27 Sept 2021
During this tutorial, Debra Lew of Energy Systems Integration Group, Nicholas Miller of HickoryLedge and Thomas Ackermann of Energynautics offer great insights into lessons learned from years of experience in grid integration of Variable Renewable Energies (VRE).
The lectures will be on
- Resource Adequacy and System Balancing
- Frequency Control and System Stability
- Grid Integration of VRE: Activities in 20 Countries
Read more about the speakers and the content of their lectures on the tutorial website.

Tutorial Lecturers / Referenten: Debra Lew – ESIG, USA (left/links), Nicholas Miller – HickoryLedge, USA (center/mitte), Thomas Ackermann – Energynautics, Germany (right/rechts)
Virtual Tutorial: Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles – Status & Experiences on 24 Sept 2021
High share of electric vehicles can only be achieved if the electricity grid is considered as well. Within this tutorial technical solutions and practical experiences are presented and discussed.
The aim of this tutorial is to provide the participants with the necessary understanding on all relevant grid integration aspects related to electromobility. A large focus will be on the practical use of smart charging and vehicle to grid to ensure safe grid operation, even when integrating renewable energy.
Read more about the speakers and the content of their lectures on the tutorial website.

Tutorial Lecturers / Referenten: Thorsten Schlösser (left/links) & Dr. Eckehard Tröster (right/rechts) – Energynautics, Germany