Kick-off meeting
Within a new project in the area of energy planning, Energynautics is leading a team of experts facilitating the increased integration of renewable energy. The program Global Energy Transformation (GET.transform) is the successor of the European partnership program EUEI PDF with the goal of supporting the transition to a sustainable energy sector in the Global South. The focus of the assignment will be in South America. In this project Energynautics will be supported by the technical and regulatory experts of Quantum America, the German VRE forecasting specialist energy&meteo systems and a pool of further European and international experts.
On the 21 January 2020, the official kick-off took place. The experts discussed the general settings of the project as well as initial assignments. These include various tasks in different countries, such as providing support in energy planning software, reviewing grid codes, and drafting a technical handbook on the lessons learned of the energy transition in a number of countries.
More information about the GET.transform are available through the project homepage.