Preserving the rich ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands
Energynautics conducts technical consultancy to optimize future renewable power generation
The Galapagos Islands are a unique natural environment known for its many endemic species and for the studies carried out by world-renowned biologist Charles Darwin that led him to establish his theory of evolution by natural selection. The archipelago has the second largest natural reserve on the planet and in 1978 was declared a world heritage site by UNESCO.
One of the strategic initiatives promoted by the Government of Ecuador to preserve this rich ecosystem is the “Zero Fossil Fuels in the Galapagos Islands” initiative. Its objective is to eliminate the consumption of fossil fuels for energy generation on the islands and thus focusses on power generation with renewable sources and storage. Since it was launched in 2007, this plan has reduced diesel consumption by 3 million gallons, thus avoiding the emission of 26.7 thousand tons of CO2.
In this context, Energynautics in conjunction with its partners Quantum America, national expert Andres Sarzosa and engineer Luis Leal have been commissioned by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to conduct a technical consultancy. The main objective is to support the government of Ecuador with research, analysis and evaluation of suitable renewable energy technologies to optimize their 25 years renewable power generation capacity expansion plan. Until July 2021, Energynautics and partners will investigate all four existing power systems in the archipelago.
Energynautics is excited about the opportunity to contribute with its expertise to the preservation of such a unique and valuable environment.

photos by pen_ash, hugh_s20, Dave Emsley and PublicDomainPictures