EU Network Codes for Estonia
Energynautics conducted a study on various aspects of grid codes, gathering international experience and accepted good practices, during the second half of 2017. The study was commissioned by a consortium consisting of the Estonian Ministry of Economy, Estonian TSO Elering, the Association of the Estonian Electrical Industry and the Estonian Renewable Energy Association.
The Estonian power grid, as part of the Baltic system, is currently synchronized to the Russian system, which also provides a large share of the ancillary services needed for stable operation. Plans to disconnect from Russia and synchronize the Baltic system with either the Central European or the Nordic grid, the continuing expansion of renewable energy and the EU wide grid code harmonization required by the Network Codes result in a need for revision of the currently applicable Estonian grid code.
To provide initial information and to start a discussion on topics that have not been fully addressed in Estonia until now, Energynautics conducted a study on several pressing issues such as remuneration of ancillary services, simulation models of generators, grid code compliance and connection processes. The project was successfully completed with a closing workshop in Tallinn in February 2018, conducted by Dr. Thomas Ackermann and Peter-Philipp Schierhorn.
The final report, including a review of international experiences and good practices, will be published by the Estonian Ministry of Economy and Communications shortly.