Energynautics’ Capacity Building Trainings continue in March 2021
Virtual Tutorial on Ancillary Services and Their Role in Systems with High Shares of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE)
This virtual tutorial was previously offered as part of the virtual RE Grid Integration Week and very well received. Which is why Energynautics decided to offer it again in March 2021. Participants may choose between two dates:
16 March 2021
09:00 – 11:30 (Central European Time)
18 March 2021
16:00 – 18:30 (Central European Time)
The aim of this tutorial is to provide the participants with the necessary technical and regulatory understanding on the following two aspects:
- Ancillary Services in Systems with High VRE Shares:
How traditional services may have to be reshaped to guarantee a safe, secure and reliable operation of a changing power system. Introduction to innovative ancillary services such as ramping reserve or fast frequency response.
- VRE Participation in the Provision of Ancillary Services:
Technology and infrastructure needs to enable VRE participation in ancillary services.
Examples on international best practices on the above mention topics will also be provided within the tutorial.
Find more information on the tutorial contents as well as registration here.