Expert Q&A under the Sino-German Energy Transition project
Update on Germany’s power markets during the 2022 energy crisis
As part of the Sino-German Energy Transition project, Energynautics’ Peter-Philipp Schierhorn was asked to comment on the European energy crisis in September 2022. Together with Dr. Tim Mennel, head of energy market design at the German Energy Agency dena, he provided some insights on the matter. The full interview can be found here.
The Sino-German Energy Transition Project, as part of the Sino-German Energy Partnership commissioned by BMWK, supports the exchange between Chinese government think tanks and German research institutions to strengthen the Sino-German scientific exchange on the energy transition and share German energy transition experiences with a Chinese audience. Energynautics assisted GIZ and dena earlier in 2022 in this project, more information can be found here.