Launch of the
Rhineland-Palatinate Decentralization Study
How can the German state Rhineland-Palatinate achieve its goals of 100% renewable energies by 2030 and a carbon-neutral federal state by 2050 and which role play decentralized concepts? We provide answers in a new study!
In cooperation with Öko-Institut and Stiftung Umweltenergierecht, Energynautics is investigating the possibility of a 100% supply of renewable energy for the German state Rhineland-Palatinate using decentralized concepts and sector coupling.
The new study builds on results of previous studies such as the Rhineland-Palatinate Distribution System Study (led by Energynautics, see here) and the currently ongoing Rhineland-Palatinate Flexibility Study (led by the Wuppertal Institute).
The consortium investigates the exciting question of how decentralized approaches can promote
a) the transition to a climate-neutral electricity system as well as
b) the integration of other sectors, in particular transport and heating.
The analyses follow the principle of the ‘energy cell’, which is similar to the cellular approach of the VDE (German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies).
The project started in December 2019 with the kick-off meeting in Mainz. First results are expected in summer 2020.
Check out other distribution system studies by Energynautics: