Distribution System Study “Permissible PV Penetration level in the Dominican Distribution Grids”
Online Training for representatives of DSOs and Policy Makers from the Dominican Republic
Energynautics is conducting a series of online training webinars with representatives of distribution system operators and policy makers from the Dominican Republic on the topic of rooftop PV integration in distribution systems.
The first session took place on 29 April 2020 with 20 participants and live interpretation between English and Spanish, followed by further sessions in early May. During the webinars, the methodology and results from previous distribution system studies were presented, such as Energynautics’ distribution system study in India or the Rhineland-Palatinate study in Germany. Further topics included considerations of protection, smart grid technologies and regulatory aspects of rooftop PV integration.
So far, the events were held without major technical problems and the participants were able to contribute with exciting questions. The webinars are implemented in partnership between GET.transform and the Energy Transition Project, executed by GIZ on behalf of Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), as part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI).