Analysis on the maximum PV penetration levels in Dominican distribution grids

Report publication: Distribution grid study in the Dominican Republic

GIZ has published the results and recommendations from the Energynautics study on maximum photovoltaic penetration levels in Dominican distribution grids. The report delves into the current technical limits of rural and urban distribution networks in the Dominican Republic and gives recommendations regarding updates of current interconnection procedures. These currently limit PV installations to 15% of a distribution network’s peak demand, well below what can be technically integrated.

GIZ project manager Daniel Almarza has shared his thoughts regarding the work of Energynautics in this project:

“Energynautics GmbH successfully carried out the consultancy to identify and evaluate major technical challenges in integrating large shares of decentralized photovoltaic systems in the Dominican Republic’s distribution system. This also involved making a series of recommendations, both technical and regulatory, to address any of the identified challenges and help distribution licensees to prepare their networks to accommodate an increasing participation of PV systems.

During this process, Energynautics GmbH displayed a great amount of technical expertise in the subject, as well as good time management, abiding by the agreed upon deadlines. They also exhibited great flexibility, working under the strenuous circumstances of the pandemic.

Overall, the GIZ-Caribbean is very pleased with the results and the experience working with Energynautics GmbH, and looks forward to any future opportunity to do so again.”


A follow-up study will look into the topic of electric vehicle regulation in the Dominican Republic.

Final report (English)
Final report (Spanish)

Further information on the Dominican PV penetration reference.