Project Tasks
Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark – DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark
Development of simulation models with emphasis on energy storage and demand-side control in distribution networks with focus on houses and electric vehicles with respect to their capability of deferring load connected to a LV network. Modelling of various control strategies based on local measurements or external signals. Validation of simulation models using Risoes experimental facility SYSLAB which includes 7.2kWp PV, a vanadium redox flow battery and various loads including an office building in an LV network which can be operated in different configurations. SYSLAB also provides a flexible control system which will be used for testing control strategies for the validation of the relevant models.
KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Electric Power Systems, Stockholm, Sweden
Development of PV simulation models, including small-scale PV systems in distribution networks and large-scale PV power plants. The simulation models will be used by the other project partners. In addition, an LV network simulation model with a high PV penetration level will be developed to investigate different voltage control strategies that actively use PV systems including local tap-changer control options. Also, protection system strategies will be studied.
University of Cologne, Chair of Energy Economics, Cologne, Germany
Develop an optimization model that determines the most cost-efficient dispatch and investments in the European power market including conventional and renewable technologies subject to specific policy guidelines. For that model, aspects such as the secured capacity of renewable capacity and storage potentials have to be addressed. Investigation of the economic impact on the operation of the European power system with high penetration of PV for the different scenarios to be investigated by Energynautics. The main focus of the economic evaluation is to identify which generation mix is most economical for the different scenarios, including aspects related to network upgrades, regional power generation and storage as well as backup capacities.
Energynautics GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany
Update of Energynautics’ European wide high-voltage grid model using the models and findings from Risoe/KTH and TUE. Determination of the required transmission network operation strategy and grid extension, including the need for a HVDC Supergrid, for different PV penetration levels (20..30..40 and 50%). The University of Cologne will provide the necessary information about the most economical generation mix to be considered for the different scenarios.
TUE – Eindhoven University of Technology, Electrical Power Systems, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Analysis of PV and grid codes, simulation tools for the integration of PV in LV grids and the impact on MV grids looking at the harmonic fingerprints of several types of inverters; validation in the TU/e power quality lab. Contribute to load balancing and storage facilities using the experience of the first microgrid in the Netherlands. Analysis of the influence on power quality phenomena (harmonic distortion, voltage dip) on the PV system (reliability, islanding protection).